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Welcome to your new favorite stationery store! Buy my postcards and reconnect, or send your latest update with original fine art stationery by yours truly!


I'm a big fan of snail mail. The ritual of writing is a decadent moment to slow down, grab a cup of coffee, pull out my favorite stationary, the perfect pen, and settle into a quiet moment of reflection on my loved ones.


Of course, if you ask my partner, they'd tell you that the joy in snail mail is visiting the mailbox to find what treasures were left by the mail fairy!


Creating treasures like my postcards is so fulfilling to me. I daydream about snail mail traversing the world with my fine art on it, and feel warmed at the thought that my art might be in the midst of connection between others.


Working in the fine arts requires inspiration and an active intuition; these both contribute to finding the coveted artistic flow, and they both need to be nourished. Products like my postcards offer just that: a great way to maintain my flow and inspiration in the fine arts, while also offering meaningful products that facilitate your connection with other lovely humans!


Give your loved ones the joy of a treasure hunt and thoughtful words: send them my original art postcards! Each postcard is an original design using new visual art and treasures found within my larger works.


These are fabulous for turning a mundane visit to the mailbox into a moment of discovery and connection!

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