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"Devotion to making love, an art. My drawings are documentations of the passion I experience in my life. I earnestly draw the love I make with the lovers who I'm lucky enough to care for."

My process is as layered as the final works. From my drawings to my sculptures, I lovingly create a roadmap of each work of art through writing, illustrating, repetition, and observation.

Drawing is my main art making practice. These works are completed in ink with circles in watercolor, gouache, and acrylic. No drawing is preconceived but completed as forms and images come to mind through random and frenetic line making.

There is, however, an overreaching theme to my work: eroticism, love, and vulnerability.

Each drawing is started by applying circles with paint and brush. I then take my drafting pen and scribble lines over the entire paper. Perhaps I'll close my eyes to sever the need for control or I'll use my non-dominant hand, whatever method I employ, the initial lines are made with as little intention as possible.

Next starts the uncovering of what story the drawing is here to tell. I step back and let my mind wander over the marks until it starts filling in with bodies, flora, and fauna (like finding shapes in the clouds). As the drawing takes shape, details start connecting with people in my life or events that took place. Flora and fauna are researched for "meaning" and how they strengthen the story I am starting to tell: a Monarch chrysalis for their coming out journey, pearls for the vulnerable moments behind closed doors, roses because they love the smell so much. The bodies in my work come directly from the ones I love, whether it be wholly them, or my favorite parts to kiss. These drawings are deeply personal with a universal message of what it is to be held by someone who cares.

Raven Rohrig
Artist Statement

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